Teaching the technical, instilling the passion and providing the inspiration to help students attain their photographic visions.
Hello! I’m a professional photographer with 40 years of photographing and 20+ years of teaching photography in higher education, private workshops and youth programs. Colorado Digital Photography Education: My passion is passing along my photography abilities to students. I hold a degree in Photojournalism, a Colorado Teaching Certificate, a Career Technical Equivalency (for teaching college-level classes) and continue to expand my post-secondary education through higher education workshops, professional development and courses on teaching methods.
I’ve served as an Adobe Campus Leader and have earned the following Adobe EDU certifications:
- Adobe Campus Leader
- Adobe Digital Photography Educator
- Adobe Photojournalism
- Adobe Youth Voices

I currently teach for Colorado Mountain College’s Isaacson School For New Media and recently Community College of Denver on the Auraria Campus. Courses taught include:
- Basic Digital Photography (ART139 & PHO120)
- Multimedia Graphic Design (Adobe CS software) (MGD124)
- Multimedia Graphic Design – Emergent Media Technology (MGD156)
- Photojournalism
- Documentary Photography
Here is a selection of photography from current and former students! I’m proud of what many have accomplished as they’ve entered the field professionally and continue to mentor them.
Digital Photography Student Gallery
Colorado Digital Photography Education